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Shine a Light For A Loved One Loughrea 2021

Shine a Light For A Loved One Loughrea 2021

Forming part of Loughrea Community Lights Shine a Light for a Love One Loughrea 2021 is an opportunity to dedicate a shining Christmas light to someone you love, someone you wish to remember or thank.

By donating ANY amount to Shine a Light For A Loved One Loughrea 2021 Loughrea Community Lights will dedicate a light to someone you nominate, and their name and a message will be displayed in a video of all dedications displayed online on the Loughrea Community Lights Facebook page, and on a big screen throughout the Christmas period in the centre of town.

To donate and ‘Shine a Light for a Loved One’ click here


1. Make donation on GoFundMe – when you receive email of receipt reply with your dedication.

2. Message directly after you make your donation.

3. Make a physical donation by putting your donation and dedication message in a sealed envelope and handing in at Martin Dolan Expert Electrical or DERVANS FASHIONS Loughrea

4. Email’

Above quote sections thanks to Loughrea Community Lights Facebook page. For further information and keep up-to-date follow

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