
Loughrea Lakers Hockey Club invite players, adults and club officials for 2022 season

Loughrea Lakers Hockey Club invite players, adults and club officials for 2022 season

Newly formed hockey club the Loughrea Lakers Hockey Club invite new junior players, adults and club officials for 2022 season.

The Club value respect, tradition, fair-play, competition and enjoyment.

Loughrea Lakers Hockey Club are currently enrolling new junior and senior players for their introduction to hockey taster session. Taster session for 6-12 year olds planned for January 2022. If there is sufficient interest they will introduce membership for the 2022 season. Register your interest via

On their website, Loughrea Lakers Hockey Club note:

‘We aim to bring the game of hockey to our local community, to facilitate diversity and learning of new skills amongst our members. Hockey is a non contact sport that provides individuals of all ages with an opportunity to participate in a team orientated environment.

We strive to bring enjoyment to all our members through participation in the sport at a level that suits our members needs.

Loughrea is a sporting community that is steeped in tradition. The lake is of significant importance to the community in Loughrea and we are proud to associate our name with this symbolic connection – lets go Lakers!’

You can contact the club directly at

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