Loughrea Chamber of Commerce
Loughrea Chamber of Commerce
Loughrea Chamber of Commerce is an independent body made up of local Business and Professional individuals whose objectives are:
- To promote and support existing businesses and attract new businesses to Loughrea and its immediate environs
- Ensure Loughrea continues to be a great place to shop, live and visit
- Lobby for business interests
- Provide services and information for members
- Liaise closely with other organisations within the Town and County
- Make a positive contribution to the strategic development of the town thus ensuring Loughrea continues to be a great place to visit, live and do business in, while at the same time ensuring we retain our unique heritage, culture, and identity
Loughrea Chamber of Commerce is funded by membership subscriptions and revenue-generating events and activities.
Loughrea Chamber of Commerce Membership Benefits
Business Listing: Access to advertise your listing on Discover Loughrea website and Discover Loughrea Facebook & Twitter pages. You can forward any promotions you may have to loughreachamberevent@gmail.com to be included and shared with over 7,400 people.
- Online promotion: Loughrea Chamber of Commerce works to grow your visibility and spread your business message online.
- Membership Directory listings online: The Chamber’s website, discoverloughrea.com has hundreds of pages/posts full of business and community information, accessible 24/7.
- All members get an opportunity to increase your business exposure through a business listing on discoverloughrea.com, with a description of your company/products/services, and a direct link to your website/social media pages.
- You can promote your products, services, events, and job openings for free throughout the year on discoverloughrea.com (contact discoverloughrea@gmail.com directly following membership payment)
- Increase your exposure for free through the Chamber social media pages, Facebook and Twitter. www.facebook.com/discoverloughrea currently has over 4,900 followers, a number that is increasing daily.
- Networking events from time to time, attendance at these events are free to chamber members and there is a charge for non-members.
- Loughrea Chamber of Commerce also make representations on behalf of the businesses of the town, recent successes were the International Hurling Festival & Fibre to the Business Project
- Christmas Promotion: Loughrea Chamber of Commerce facilitates the Christmas promotion, allowing businesses to promote their business and brings people from the surrounding area to shop in Loughrea.
Contact Us: If you would like to get in contact with us, email loughreachamberevent@gmail.com
Loughrea Chamber of Commerce Business Members
If you would like to become a chamber member, Please email loughreachambermembership@gmail.com
Loughrea Chamber of Commerce Members
Loughrea Chamber Of Commerce welcomes you to discoverloughrea.com the official website for Loughrea.
If you are a resident or intending to visit, work or locate a business in Loughrea we hope to provide you with all the information you need on this site.
We are a thriving Market town just 20 minutes from Galway City Centre, with an immediate population of c.6,000 and serving a catchment area of c. 25,000.
Our town is located within the boundary of a moat built in medieval times and on the Shore of Loughrea Lake of which we are proud custodians of its Blue Flag status.
Loughrea is a progressive town equipped with Next Generation Broadband and Natural Gas availability. We are proud shareholders of a way of life which places a high value on our Sporting, Literary, Music and Historical Culture. We invite you to experience for yourself why Loughrea is such a popular place to shop and live in.
Explore the menu bar and see for yourself the quality of riches that living or visiting Loughrea can bring.