Féile Raifteirí 2021
Féile Raifteirí 2021
Seo chugaibh clár imeachtaí Fhéile Raifteirí na bliana seo. Tá léachtaí, ceol, teacht le chéile is siúlóid coille ann mar is iondúil.
Is iad Seamus Mac Annaidh, Dónal Ó Braonáin agus Mairéad Ní Fhlatharta na príomhaíonna atá linn i mbliana agus muid ar bís le ham a chaitheamh ina dteannta.
Ba mhór againn dá mbeifeá i láthair do na hócáidí ar líne nó in Ionad Shliabh Eachtaí, ón a 10, ar an Sathairn beag seo, 27ú Samhain. Fógrófar buaiteoirí na gcomórtas filíochta Dé Sathairn fosta.
Déanfar seiceáil ar theastais Covid cé gur amuigh a bheidh cuid mhaith den ócáid.Is gá clárú anseo: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/feile-raifteiri-2021-tickets-208880456067?fbclid=IwAR0X_LN0v3SZWd7ilZ2kCJkxYG6tGUHYHxDkWHQJ-CFRqyddTV9yt-QKHPw

Take a look at this year’s Féile Raifteirí festival line up. There are quality lectures, music, get-togethers and a walk in the woods.
The headlining guests are Seamus Mac Annaidh, Dónal Ó Braonáin and Mairéad Ní Fhlatharta and we can’t wait for you to meet them.
Please join us for the online sessions or in Slieve Aughty Centre, Kylebrack, Loughrea this Saturday, 27th November. The poetry competition winners will be announced on Saturday also.
Covid certs will be required for Saturday, although most of it will be outside. Please pre-register here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/feile-raifteiri-2021-tickets-208880456067?fbclid=IwAR0X_LN0v3SZWd7ilZ2kCJkxYG6tGUHYHxDkWHQJ-CFRqyddTV9yt-QKHPw
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